Relationships… why are they so difficult?

When a relationship is going well, it can be the greatest source of joy and happiness in our life.

Yet when conflict arises, the same relationship can become the greatest source of pain and suffering in our life.

We lose our cool, get into arguments with those that we love the most, and say and do things that we regret.

But why? What’s going on? And is it even possible to resolve the conflict and get back into connection?

Yes, it is… and I can help you do it.

I can help you find the…

Peace beyond conflict.

Any conflict can be resolved in a way that works for everyone – without compromise.

Hello, I’m Simon Wiskowski.

Relationship Coach & Mediator

Conflict has had a presence in my life for as long as I can remember…

My parents divorced when I was eight, and their inability to effectively communicate led to a bitter separation that took a decade in court to resolve. A few years after their separation, tired of the court mandated visitation schedule impacting my musical pursuits in school, I requested a change, which my father resisted. As he was unwilling to search for a resolution that worked for us both, I hired a lawyer to represent me in court and was eventually granted the ability to decide for myself how and with whom I spend my time. Unfortunately, our connection was deeply impacted, and we eventually stopped seeing and speaking to each other. The next time my father and I communicated was when I reached out to try to reconnect with him… seventeen years later.

I know firsthand the pain that arises when there’s conflict in a relationship that matters, and I now do the work that I do to be the resource for others that my family and I desperately needed long ago.

When I’m not working, I like to spend time in solitude and silence: going for walks in nature, meditating, and playing with my cat Willow. If I had to express the purpose of my life in one word, it would be peace.

If you’d like to learn more about me and my story, click here.

❌ Conflict

✅ Connection


Couples Sessions

Sick and tired of arguing with your partner?

Longing for more connection, closeness, and intimacy in your relationship?

I’ll help you resolve the conflict in your relationship and learn how to navigate conflict with ease.

Individual Sessions

Troubled by an inner or outer conflict?

Want to reconnect to a sense of ease and lightness in your life?

Together we’ll restore the peace and harmony in the most important relationship in your life… your relationship with yourself.

Individual Sessions

Troubled by an inner or outer conflict?

Want to reconnect to a sense of ease and lightness in your life?

Together we’ll restore the peace and harmony in the most important relationship in your life… your relationship with yourself.

What clients are saying about their experience…

Simon has held space for me in a way that feels safe and has enabled me to take my time, be vulnerable and to connect with what really matters to me. I’ve accessed clarity, celebration, mourning, and gained insights that have helped me shift a number of things that have been challenging for me.

Simon offers a quality of connection and empathy that is really powerful and I experience as secure and strong yet tender and compassionate at the same time. As well as offering empathy, I enjoy that Simon will also honestly express what’s going on for him, because I value authenticity and integrity.

Barry Jones

Certified Nonviolent Communication Trainer, UK

“Every criticism, judgement, diagnosis, and expression of anger is the tragic expression of an unmet need.”

– Marshall Rosenberg