The Peace Beyond Conflict Couples Communication Challenge

Stop Fighting 😫 &

Start Communicating 😍

In Just 5 Days…

(You, your partner, and me… at a time that suits you best)

Sick and tired of fighting and arguing with the person you love the most? Take my FREE 5-day couples challenge to learn 10 communication skills that will help any couple stop fighting and start having productive conversations!

The Peace Beyond Conflict
Couples Communication Challenge

Stop Fighting 😫 &

Start Communicating 😍

In Just 5 Days…

(You, your partner, and me… at a time that suits you best)

Sick and tired of fighting and arguing with the person you love the most? Join my FREE 5-day couples challenge to learn 10 communication skills that will help any couples stop fighting and start having productive conversations!

Are you in a relationship and… 

➤  Sick and tired of arguing with your partner?

➤  Having the same fight over and over again with no resolution?

➤  Avoiding difficult conversations until they can no longer be avoided?

➤  Feeling alone and longing to be heard and understood?

➤  Feeling scared to speak your truth because you might hurt your partner or make them angry?

Want to learn how to stop fighting 😫 & start having productive conversations 🥰?

Then you’re in the right place! 

The Peace Beyond Conflict Couples Communication Challenge is designed to help couples learn the communication skills necessary to stop fighting and start having productive conversations.

This challenge is a…


Two-on-one challenge (you, your partner, and me)…

Consisting of 5 x 30-minute sessions…

Held via Zoom.

The Challenge 💪🏼

Session 1: How To Resolve Any Conflict In Your Relationship

Any conflict can be resolved in a way that works for everyone involved without compromise. You and your partner will learn the two communication techniques that will help you resolve any conflict in your relationship and fulfill each other’s needs.

Session 2: How To Listen To Deepen Connection

Listening is a skill that can be developed. In this session, the two of you will learn and practice three different ways to listen to each other that will deepen the connection in your relationship and help you repair the connection after a fight.

Session 3: How To Keep Your Conversations On Track

Conversations between partners can quickly go off the rails. You and your partner will learn and practice two simple communication techniques to keep your conversations on track and moving forward.

Session 4: How To Give Feedback Your Partner Will Enjoy

Give feedback the “wrong way,” and your partner will resist you or change but then resent you. In this session, you’ll learn how to give feedback the “right way” so you can maintain and deepen the connection in your relationship and inspire your partner to take action to fulfill your needs.

Session 5: How To Transform Anger The #1 Relationship Killer

Everyone gets angry, but if you take your anger out on each other, you will destroy the connection in your relationship. In the final session of the challenge, you’ll learn how to transform anger into mourning and compassion, allowing you both to be fully honest with each other AND maintain the connection.

But wait… what if I want to participate but my partner doesn’t? 🤔

No problem! If you’d like to participate and your partner isn’t interested, you can go through the challenge 1:1, just you and me together. The communication tools and principles presented in this challenge work whether your partner is interested or not. In fact, in some ways the challenge is even more powerful 1:1 because you will receive support specifically tailored to you.

Schedule your first session and begin the challenge today!

Hello, I’m Simon Wiskowski 👋🏼


I’m Simon Wiskowski 👋🏼

Relationship & Couples Coach

As a Relationship & Couples Coach, I bring my experience with Nonviolent Communication and conflict resolution to help couples heal their hurt ❤️‍🩹, deepen their connection 💖, and learn how to stop fighting and start having productive conversations ⭐️.

I believe that conflict is not something that’s bad and to be avoided, but rather a precious opportunity to deepen and strengthen the connection between two people and build a more loving and fulfilling relationship.

Wait…it’s FREE?! Why? 🧐

Yes, it’s FREE! Arguing with the person you love more than anyone in the entire world and hating yourself after but not knowing how to do things differently ABSOLUTELY SUCKS!! I know this because I’ve experienced it, and I know other couples know that pain as well because they’ve told me.

I created this challenge as a way to share some of the communication tools that I’ve learned over the years that help my partner and I stop fights before they start and repair our connection after we fight, and I offer it for free because I want to help create peace and harmony in our world, which I believe begins with peace and harmony in our homes.

I view this challenge both as a way for couples to receive a bit of high-quality support and as a zero-risk way for them to experience working with me and determine if I’m a good fit to help them with their current and/or future relationship challenges. At the end of the 5th and final session of the challenge, I will share about my paid offerings as a Relationship & Couples Coach, but there will be no hard selling. If you and your partner simply participate in the challenge and that’s it, I’m totally cool with that.

Have a question? Let’s chat!

AMA (Ask Me Anything) Call

If you have any questions or need more information before you can commit to the challenge, I welcome you to schedule a free, no-obligation 15-minute AMA call with me. I’d be happy to help!

To schedule a call, click here.

Ready to upgrade your relationship? ⚡️

➤  Join this FREE 5-day challenge to learn and begin to integrate 10 powerful communication tools that will help any couple stop fighting and start having productive conversations!

➤  Don’t wait ⎯ spots are limited!

➤  Schedule your first session and begin the challenge today!

The Peace Beyond Conflict Communication Challenge For Couples

Stop Fighting 😫 & Start Communicating 😍

In Just 5 Days…

The Peace Beyond Conflict
Couples Communication Challenge

Stop Fighting 😫 &

Start Communicating 😍

In Just 5 Days…