Couples Sessions

Curious about working with me? Schedule a free discovery call so we can get to know each other and speak about your specific challenges.

You’re in a relationship.

And are you…

    • Sick and tired of arguing with your partner?
    • Having the same fight over and over again with no resolution?
    • Avoiding difficult conversations until they can no longer be avoided?
    • Desperately wanting to save your relationship? Perhaps you’ve even tried couples therapy or couples counseling and it didn’t work…
    • Worried if something doesn’t change, you and your partner are headed towards separation?

      If that sounds familiar,

      Would you like to…

        • Resolve the conflict in your relationship in a way that meets both your needs as well as the needs of your partner?
        • Restore and deepen the connection and closeness with your partner?
        • Learn how to communicate in a way that leads to win-win solutions instead of giving in or compromising?
        • Learn how to be 100% honest and authentic in a way that doesn’t break the connection?

      If yes… I can help.

      Couples Mediation & Coaching

      Couples Sessions are an opportunity to:

      • Address what’s in the way of connection – the anger, resentment, guilt, shame, hurt, sadness, etc.
      • Express yourself honestly and be fully heard.
      • Heal past pain between you and your partner and rebuild the trust in one another.
      • Deepen the connection and intimacy with your partner.
      • Create clear and actionable agreements that work for everyone.
      • Learn new communication skills to bring into your relationship and daily life.

      During these sessions, we’ll address the communication challenges between you and your partner, the dynamics blocking the natural flow of compassion and cooperation, and explore what might be done differently to care for everyone’s needs and restore a sense of harmony in your relationship.

      Not therapy, but…

      Nonviolent Communication Based Mediation

      Nonviolent Communication based mediation is a method of conflict resolution that helps people connect to their feelings, needs, and requests, and the feelings, needs, and requests of others. It focuses on building connection between individuals before looking for solutions, with the view that once people see each other with compassion, the resolution will appear naturally. It’s pragmatic, practical, and focuses on the here-and-now.

      Combined with…

      Nonviolent Communication Coaching

      Nonviolent Communication helps people navigate conflict by teaching them how to communicate from the heart – how to honestly express their feelings, needs, and requests, and how to listen to others with presence and empathy. As I observe your relationship dynamic, I will point out the communication patterns that are leading away from connection, offer suggestions for what you might do differently instead, and then help you to implement those strategies into your relationship.

      The Phases Of Our Work Together:

      1 – Crisis

      Let’s get you reconnected and out of pain as quickly as possible. As a mediator, I’ll help you both express your feelings and needs, and hear each other’s honesty.

      2 – Growth

      We’ll address the specific communication challenges blocking the natural flow of compassion and cooperation between the two of you, explore how you might do things differently, and practice implementing new communication skills into your relationship.

      3 – Thriving

      You got this! Let’s meet monthly and/or on an as-needed basis to keep your relationship thriving.

      What clients are saying about their experience…

      Empathy, presence, and acceptance are some of the qualities I experienced in my coaching sessions with Simon. In our very first session together, I felt relaxed and expansive, and great relief in having been heard! After a few sessions, I noticed an increased capacity to connect with myself when in heightened emotional states. I’ve also noticed a greater willingness and confidence to engage in difficult conversations with my husband, which has been my primary concern.

      A couple of aspects that really contribute to my sense of trust in Simon are his transparency about his own needs, and his willingness to express himself honestly. As someone who has the habit of not expressing myself honestly in order to ‘protect’ my connection with others, I have found this scary at first, but have learned, through Simon’s example and guidance, how engaging at this level of authenticity can actually lead to a more secure connection, which I am endeavoring to embody in my own life! Thank you, Simon!

      Jessica Schaeffer

      Professional Musician

      100% Satisfaction Guarantee

      I only want you to give me money because our work together is benefitting you, you want to express your gratitude for my help, and you want to support me to continue to help others. For that reason, if after our first full-length session you didn’t find our time together helpful, you can choose to contribute $0 to me if that would be most joyful for you.

      Working Together (The Practical Details)


      I work online and in person in Asheville, North Carolina. Online sessions are done from wherever you feel most comfortable via the video conferencing platform Zoom.

      Session Length & Structure:

      Couples sessions are three hours*.

      • Hour 1: Each person will meet with me individually for approximately 30 minutes.
      • (Short Break)
      • Hours 2 & 3: We meet altogether.

      * After the first session we can dialogue about the length and structure of future sessions together.

      Free Discovery Call:

      Curious about working with me? Schedule a free 30 min Discovery Call so we can get to know each other, talk a bit about your specific relationship challenges, and see if working together is a mutual good fit.


      For the first session, which lasts for three hours, I ask for a contribution of between $200 – $400.

      What you choose to contribute depends on your financial resources and desire to support me. Ideally, your contribution fits your financial situation, your heart’s wish to express your gratitude, and your desire to support me to continue to do this work and help others.

      Additionally, I wouldn’t want a lack of financial resources to be the only thing preventing you from receiving help. So, if the amount I’m asking for would prevent you from receiving the help you need, I offer the following:

      • We can find a way to split up the payment and/or find a payment schedule that might work better for you.
      • We can dialogue about other, non-monetary ways you can contribute to me, though it’s not always easy to find things that you would enjoy giving and I would enjoy receiving.

      If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

      Harmony in your relationship is just around the corner… schedule a free discovery call now.