Individual Sessions

Curious about working with me? Schedule a free discovery call so we can get to know each other and speak about your specific challenges.

You’re experiencing inner and/or outer conflict.

And do you…

    • Feel angry or resentful towards someone else? “I just don’t get it… how could they do something like that?!”
    • Feel pain from something that happened in the past? “What happened to me is STILL impacting my life! I just want to heal and be able to move on with my life.”
    • Feel guilt or shame about something that you did? “How could I have done that?!”
    • Feel unsure about a decision in your life? “I just don’t know… what should I do? What’s the right decision?”
    • Feel down and depressed about life? “It’s hopeless… what’s even the point of trying?”

    If that sounds familiar,

    Would you like to…

      • Resolve the conflict within you and reconnect to a sense of ease and harmony?
      • Heal your emotional wounds no matter when they occurred?
      • Move forward with a sense of confidence and clarity?
      • Deepen your capacity to be with whatever arises in you?

      If yes… I can help.

      Individual Sessions

      1:1 coaching sessions are an opportunity to:

      • Resolve unresolved inner or outer conflict.
      • Express yourself honestly and be fully heard without judgement.
      • Heal past pain between you and another, even if that person is no longer in your life.
      • Sort through confusion and make decisions with confidence and clarity.
      • Free yourself from limiting beliefs that create guilt and shame.
      • Learn new communication skills to bring into your daily life.

      During these sessions, we’ll address what’s blocking the natural flow of compassion and confidence within you – and explore what might be done differently to care for all your needs and restore a sense of ease and harmony in your life.

      Not therapy, but…


      Empathy is presence. Presence to what? To one’s present moment feelings and needs. Empathic listening is a space of nonjudgement. There is no right or wrong. There is no good or bad. There is nothing wrong with you at all. From this space of acceptance, empathic listening helps one connect to oneself with compassion, with the belief that once one is fully heard, the path forward will emerge naturally.

      Combined with…


      As you share about your experience and we figure out what you’re struggling with, I will offer different processes (role-plays, parts dialogues, communication practices, etc) that we can do together to further explore and work with your specific challenges.

      “My whole perception of the situation shifted, […] I had completely let go of the annoyance and restlessness in me.”

      One of the problems for which I sought help from Simon was regarding a dispute I had with a close friend. I was hoping to understand why something seemingly minor escalated so quickly and left me with so much frustration and resentment, and experience a sense of relief and detachment.

      We worked on the problem through a role-play in which I was able to process my thoughts, feelings, and needs revolving around the person and the situation that triggered me. I said all that I could not express at the time of the conflict, and being heard and understood in an emphatic way, I was astonished to experience an immediate sense of relief. Over the next few days after the role-play, my whole perception of the situation shifted, and I was amazed to observe that I had completely let go of the annoyance and restlessness the conflict had stimulated in me. All things considered, it was a cathartic experience, and its results far exceeded my expectations.

      Zsuzsa Pap


      An Overview Of Our Work Together:

      1 – Free Discovery Call

      Let’s say hello, talk a bit about your specific challenges, and decide if working together is a mutual good fit.

      2 – The First Session

      The first session is 90 minutes and when we get to the end of our time together, if it’s not a fit for you, you can choose to give me any amount of money that would bring you joy, including $0.

        3 – Create A Plan

        At the end of our first session together, we’ll make a short-term plan for how to proceed. This could look like meeting once a week for 1-3 months.

        4 – Reevaluate & Repeat

        The coaching process isn’t linear, there will likely be ups and downs, and the path to inner peace is different for everyone. Along the way, we’ll remain in dialogue about how you’re doing, what you still want to address, and how to best move forward.

        100% Satisfaction Guarantee

        I only want you to give me money because our work together is benefitting you, you want to express your gratitude for my help, and you want to support me to continue to help others. For that reason, if after our first full-length session you didn’t find our time together helpful, you can choose to contribute any amount of money to me, including $0, if that would be most joyful for you.

        Working Together (The Practical Details)


        I work online. All sessions are done from wherever you feel most comfortable via the video conferencing platform Zoom.

        Session Length & Structure:

        Individual coaching sessions are 90 minutes in length.

        Free Discovery Call:

        Curious about working with me? Schedule a free discovery video call so we can talk a bit about your specific challenges and see if working together is a mutual good fit.


        I ask for a contribution of between $100 – $200.

        What you choose to contribute depends on your financial resources and desire to support me. Ideally, your contribution fits your financial situation, your heart’s wish to express your gratitude, and your desire to support me to continue to do this work and help others.

        Additionally, I wouldn’t want a lack of money to be the only thing preventing you from receiving help. So if the amount I’m asking for would prevent you from receiving the help you need, I offer the following:

        • We can find a way to split up the payment and/or find a payment schedule that might work better for you.
        • We can dialogue about other, non-monetary ways you can contribute to me, though it’s not always easy to find things that you would enjoy giving and I would enjoy receiving.

        If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

        Peace and harmony in your life is possible… Schedule a free discovery call now.